Innovate: Koskela's new Reconciliation Action Plan
Innovate: Koskela's new Reconciliation Action Plan
Koskela's second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has officially been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. The two-year plan assists Koskela to develop innovative strategies that empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Why is this important?
At Koskela, we aim to play our part in creating a future where all Australians are united by our shared history and walk together towards a better, fairer and more compassionate future. To achieve this, the cultures, histories and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be understood, recognised and respected. We would like to see all Australians celebrate that our nations and its First Peoples represent the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. We believe that our role is not to determine the future of Indigenous Australia but to support and partner with First Nations communities so they can determine and create their own future.
Pictured: Judy Manany, Elcho Island Arts, 2009 Pictured: Cynthia Burke, Warakurna Artists, 2019
What does our CEO say?
“Koskela views its role as a change maker, not only in our industry, but also with our wider community. We have for the last 12 years used our design skills and connection with our customers and market to build bridges, drive conversations and to create awareness about First Nations cultures.”—Sasha Titchkosky, Koskela Co-founder and CEO.
What will we do?
This is our second innovative RAP.
An Innovate RAP focuses on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
What have we done so far?
Photographer Maree Homer Reflection Pods, Westpac, Sydney.
Case Study 1
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Photographer Nick DeLorenzo
Case Study 2
The Alice Series
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Case study 3
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What can you do?
I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand.
Absorb yourself in the First Nations perspective to become a better ally. Some ideas:
18 books on Australian Indigenous histories & cultures that will move and shake you
@tradingblak, @seedmob, @nitv_au
How to buy First Nations art